Their Journey, Their Results.

What my clients have to say about our work.

Working with Rich has been the most precious gift I have ever received in my 25 years as a professional.

The best part of working with him is his questions. It is difficult to ask the right questions at the right time, and he always gets the "cigar." Also, he has never rushed to reach his point during my time with him.

He always provides the time and space to have you genuinely digest and elaborate on his questions. 

- Jose Javier Soria, Madrid, Spain

Working with you helped me have a deeper connection with myself. You gave me different points of view and insights that made me realize how strong I can be and how much I can change things with the correct approach.

I consider myself a pretty strong person, but sometimes, I blame other people. After our sessions, I started avoiding this kind of bad behavior and realized everything was in my hands. This new view gives me much power: I can reach whatever I want, only working on myself. This awareness also helps me to handle the consequences of my actions more efficiently and stop struggling with "battles" that do not depend on me. And this is such a significant relief! My heart is lighter…

That has been a game-changer in my life. I caressed it, but I wasn't completely aware it was there. I really enjoy the connections you can create with people and your gift of opening the minds of everyone in the room.

What I continuously think about now is: What's next? How can I further improve myself? What are the next steps? What am I missing that I cannot yet see? I am very aware of endless possibilities.

- Valentina Veneri, Mirandola, Italy 

I got a new self from working with Rich.

Rich taught me about how we behave based on our mindset. I was totally unaware! I learned that I create all the limits between me and my objectives. 

Rich is one of the people who has inspired me the most in my life. His human experiences, sincerity, and simplicity mirror how we see ourselves. Thanks to his teachings, I have totally changed my leadership style and private life. Rich has a big heart and intelligence; I wish I had known him earlier.

- Marco Mazzoni , Mirandola, Italy

Working with Rich helped me get much more into the "Observer mode" of my thinking. I can now step back more often and reflect on what is going well and what is not. 

It helped me question situations, things, and feelings and "see" things differently. I feel more balanced regarding my thinking and behavior moods.  Our work changed how I do my daily business, lead my teams, run my private life, and spend time with my family. It enriched everything, and I feel more inspired and creative about self-development.

Daily reflections are now a habit and are strongly included in my routine. The regular exchanges and time to slow down and reflect made me even more curious to grow and develop my inner mindset. I also got feedback from my team that they feel inspired and excited about my sessions with them.

- Cindy Waghubinger , Dusseldorf, Germany

I have re-invented myself, and I still do every day. I would not be doing my work these days without Rich. I would still be unhappy and frustrated about not using my potential and complaining about many things.

- Charles Banner, Los Angeles, US

Rich gave me the gift of understanding the power of the mind, which helped me grow and excel as a human and a professional. Although I'm intrinsically optimistic, Rich showed me how this could help others become positive and successful. Rich became a confidante.

Rich helped us build a resilient leadership team that passionately leads the organization through good and bad times. His approach brought ownership that thrived innovation and excellence at all levels of the organization. The team became one of the most successful and admired in the company.

As a person who goes far beyond what you typically expect, Rich is genuinely interested in the challenges and opportunities of the organization and its people. Rich creates value by applying his advice and mentorship to real-life business situations.

Sometimes, he is unconventional and confronting, but never offensive and always constructive. Rich tries to understand the story behind the story. He provides another perspective that makes you stand out positively.

His style, involvement, and passion make Rich a pleasure to work with.

- Sikko Zoer, Arnhem, The Netherlands

Without Rich, I would have burnt out years ago. 

Working with Rich taught me how important it is to slow down to create and remove interference.

He helped me understand that you need to be bold to be bright. Break long-held beliefs if they don't make sense and dare to change.

The Dutch directness was needed to get the message across. Rich is not afraid of making enemies in the journey to embed the message. Rich lives 100% what he believes in. he is devoted to the message and the mission of making people more creative, less stressed, and more balanced.

- Carol , Maastricht, Netherlands

This was my first experience as a coach here in the Netherlands since I had already participated in similar sessions in my country, Venezuela.

One of the things that impressed me the most was how Rich made me clear of all the things I did not know and that I had no idea existed. This is exciting because it implies that there is always something new to learn, and I love learning every day, from the simplest to the most complex.

Our work together helped me understand that listening to others is essential (maybe the key) to achieving effective communication with those around me.

Our sessions have also reinforced that my way of being and how I relate to people is empathetic and of genuine interest in helping and supporting those who need it, and I am proud of it. I should work even more on that to improve it.

- Zaida Rodriguez, Heerlen, Netherlands

Growth! Everything taken together, I've become less avoiding, more straight, and more empathic to others.

And I thank you for giving me the seed and watering it so the flower could grow. What I got, I wish for many more people.

- Carin , Maastricht, Netherlands

Rich gave me a different way of looking at things and my reality. This has been very helpful in multiplying the possibilities. It is like having a new, high-performing set of multicolored glasses. 

Rich is very straightforward and gets to the point quickly and effectively. He is open-minded and able to build empathetic relationships, even though there were no face-to-face meetings. You feel free to be open and share all your doubts. Judgment is absent, and you can feel it.

He is always looking at the bright sight of things. He proposes a different perspective that opens new opportunities for you. It is like he has an answer to any question or the right question. And last but not least, he cares! And that's not so common.

- Alessandro di Mauro, Milan, Italy

When I first met you, I had just been promoted to a new role in a different organization, and I did not know the team members well. This organizational change positively impacted me, but some team members were not. This situation worried me a lot (I felt very uncomfortable in such a team), so I expected the team to leave their hostile atmosphere as soon as possible and break the ice. So your training on owner/victim state of mind was at the right time.

The team principles have been beneficial: They enabled the integration of these values, which we all know but were lacking in practice due to not being well formulated into our business and private lives. This concept enabled us to speak the same language as a team.

I am more mindful of applying your principles to my personal and professional life. Knowing the owner and the victim's state of mind lets me quickly realize where I am on the ladder, which helps me move up the ladder much more rapidly.

Getting to know you and learning from you is fun. It gives me the wisdom to discover myself and adds value to my life.

- Mehtap Tazegul, Istanbul, Turkey

Rich is the most objective and transparent person I have ever met. I really like this, which has been one of my blind spots in the past.

His coaching is very inspiring because it's filled with a lifetime of experiences. His wisdom and acceptance influenced me a lot. It helped me confront myself.

Working with Rich is a different experience than the business-as-usual approach, and I learned it is never too late to adapt or change.

- Merve Yetimaslan, Istanbul, Turkey

We started our journey with Rich 6 years ago and have been captivated ever since. I appreciate Rich's openness and honesty; he offers different perspectives, which always helps open my mind.

He's helped us understand the importance of our mindset and, with this awareness, helped many of us grow as people. 

We've built great collaboration across the team, and he helps us think broadly.

- Jane Walker, London, UK

I have a whole new tolerance that I never had before. Rich's learnings are lifelong changes that will stay with me forever, but I know that they need to be worked on and constantly developed and challenged.

Rich is a great coach; he always knows the right thing to say at the right moment and encourages me to think differently about what I have said or thought.

Rich can challenge me, with complete respect and openness (which you don't find often), to think differently and to make me aware of how I am listening to my thoughts, not reality. Rich has shared a gift with so many. These learnings could have been kept to himself or excelled in a different business; however, he decided to put his life to this cause and bring many people on this journey. Selfless!

It is easy to work with Rich. He likes to keep things simple, which I like the most. It is simple, so let's keep it that way. Rich is also a straight talker. He says it how it is and immediately makes you feel comfortable sharing.

- Clare Molloy, Dublin, Ireland

It seems that you have answers to every question. And it's never something standard, but they always seem to be correct. It is sometimes challenging to keep up because your mind is so clear. You help me understand myself more deeply and feel things' meaning and importance.

- Ivan Guryanov - Russia

Rich, you are one of the few people who ask, "How are you?" and mean it.

I learned a lot from you, including accepting things as they are and having patience. I am generally quick, and I was expecting the same speed from others; I learned the power of waiting, especially when listening.

When I am under stress, I remember your words & guidance, and attitudes.

The power of silence/being calm is helping me a lot to solve issues with better communication. With this mindset, I can solve problems more efficiently and feel more comfortable mentally. We can change only ourselves, not others. 

It was awe-inspiring and sincere, especially when you shared your experiences; it was transparent and covered all realities and feelings without filter. Your self-reflection questions were very beneficial for us.

- Ozlem Helvacioglu, Istanbul, Turkey

Rich, you helped me find my balance, give proper importance to life's events, and always look for something good in each one. I now see my blind spots and try to improve them actively. I now look for the answers inside rather than outside, asking myself, "What could I have done?"

I have seen other coaches, but you made the difference. 

- Valeria ,Milan, Italy

Rich talks like nobody I've ever met. He's generous, open, vulnerable, and with much humor. Through working with Rich, I've gone from a regional leader in my company to leading my division worldwide. I could not have done this with my old ways of being and behaving.

I have 12.000 people on my team, and I feel more at ease than ever. I know who I am, what I stand for, and where to go when the world becomes overwhelming. What a gift! And I give it to my wife, my kids, and everyone who wants to hear.

- Jan, Miami, US

The first time I attended a workshop with you, I was skeptical about what I could gain from a session where we talked about ourselves.

The workshops we attended generally focused on business content in our company, but for the first time, they were about "me." This took me by surprise, and now I know you have also seen that. You even suggested a book I should read, and I will get back to you with my summary!

At the time, I saw this as an obligation, but now that I think about it, it was my turning point in how I see myself, where I am, and the people around me. The work I did with you has elevated me to another level of self-awareness and will remain with me throughout the future.

While working with you, I recognized that I was automatic in everything I did! After some time with all the workshops we had, I realized that I started to see why, how, and what I reacted to my actions. This provided me with a new way of looking at things.

They handle situations in more control and understand people and how they act the way they do. What I got from you was to get to know myself. My self-awareness was always there but never surfaced. I am more conscious of myself and my surroundings with all I gained from you. 

The best part of working with you is that you enter a room with him with nothing on your mind, but you leave the room with a full head of ideas and enlightenment.

I was always looking to do another workshop, as I knew it would open a new part of me that I was now aware of. 

- Selin , Amsterdam, Netherlands

Through our collaboration, we have progressively created a culture based on respect, supporting each other, listening, speaking clearly, and recognizing. Not a little thing! This is our dream, and there are action plans to achieve this dream culture.

Thanks for these significant achievements for me and my colleagues!

- Anna Maria Llorente, Madrid, Spain

Before I met Rich, I was doing well. I led a group of 250 people and had a lot of work to do with that. It took me much energy to inspire them, ensure their teamwork, and balance my personal life. Working with Rich has shown me where the hole in my boat was. I was a pleaser. I was trying to be everything to everybody. 

Rich has made me into a ten times better leader. I am more precise and have a much better structure in my team. They communicate better, they listen better, and we talk about things openly without insulting anyone.

We have more accountability in the group and work much better with other departments. Before, it was hard to be seen by different departments, but now they see us as a whole and respected partner. We are known as positive options thinkers, as Rich taught us to be. 

I am calmer, wiser, clearer, and more fulfilled. My wife and kids have noticed, too. My colleagues tell me that I am a much more balanced person. I enjoyed going through this process with Rich, and I never knew it could be done in such a short amount of time! 

I see that consistent, constant creation is what makes me and my department successful. We repeat what we want to achieve. It's so important, and my 1:1 coaching with Rich helps keep it alive. 

Thank you so much, Rich. I have become a 10x better leader, and my team is 10x more effective and successful.

- Lucas, Los Angeles, US